Bees and flowers : the eternal alliance to be preserved

It is important to help bees by sowing flowers

Why ?

80% of plants reproduce thanks to pollinators so it is also a food issue for the fruits and vegetables of tomorrow. But not only, we also need them to make sunflower and rapeseed oil.
We do not yet know how to replace them to produce what you can find in supermarkets. Pollution, urbanization, pesticides but also pesticides or major drought periods are harmful to bees. 30% of bee colonies have difficulty in renewing themselves due to lack of sufficient food.
Back to our natural science classes. Plants are born alive, they reproduce and they die. It’s a natural cycle. To reproduce, bees will carry the pollen they take from flower stamens to other flowers. Fertilization is done and it gives seeds, which can be sown again. Pollinators are essential to plants and the nature around us.

Which insects carry pollen from flowers to flowers to help plant reproduction ?

Honeybees, those who live in a hive, wild bees that live in natural shelters but also bumblebees, butterflies, flies, all insects have shells like the polka-dot ladybug and even the ant.

What can we each do to help ?

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You can sow flower seeds or plant honey flowers to feed the bees and help them do their useful pollination work. It’s fun and we can do it as a family. It’s easy to sow, just sprinkle on top of the wet soil It’s easy to plant a flower, just dig a hole.

Who can sow seeds for bees? and where?

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Everyone can do it and you don’t need a big garden for that. In the city, you can plant potted flowers on your balcony or even on your window sill, as long as there is sun and watering from time to time. If you have a larger plot, you can plant a honey hedge with flowering shrubs. It will serve as a wind breeze, it will hold the water from the rains and it will attract bees and butterflies. Putting water troughs also helps insects and birds.

What plants feed bees?

  • the flowering plants like borage, Lavender of provence, the tremières roses of our holidays in vendée, the poppy of our fields
  • There are also delicious fruit bushes for children like Raspberry, Pear and Apple trees...
  • trees flowering shrubs such as hibiscus, heather, lilac, linden
  • the Herbs like Mint chives
  • But also vegetables like artichoke that gives a beautiful flower, zucchini.

So you have to wait for the bees to pass to make your zucchini flower donuts

What is in the seed mix of the planting kits with flowers for bees ?

A mix of annual and perennial flowers, which will naturally re-sow from year to year. Borage, shell, lavender, phacelia and more than a dozen other flowers.