Permaculture at a glance

Permaculture is a philosophy and design approach that aims to create sustainable, balanced and harmonious agricultural and gardening systems. It is based on a set of principles and techniques that mimic nature’s models to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.

The key elements of the permaculture vegetable garden


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Permaculture gardens incorporate a wide variety of plants, including fruit trees, vegetables, herbs and flowers. This diversity attracts a variety of beneficial insects that help control pests.

Vegetation cover

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Permacultors use ground cover plants to protect the soil and prevent erosion.

No tillage

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Permaculture promotes non-tillage, which means it avoids turning the earth around. This preserves soil structure and microbial life.

Resource recycling

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Kitchen and garden waste is composted to feed the soil, and rainwater is collected and stored. Permaculture Garden: An Ecological Paradise

Permaculture garden goes beyond the vegetable garden to create a living ecosystem in your garden. Trees, ponds, wildlife shelters and hedges are all elements of a permaculture garden. This approach promotes a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

where do I begin ?

If you are interested in making your garden permaculture, there are a few basic steps to follow

Observe and design

Start by observing your outdoor space, noting the patterns of wind, light and rain. Then, design a plan that incorporates these observations.

Continuing care

Permaculture requires a certain level of ongoing maintenance and care, but the results are worth the effort.

Learn the principles

Take time to familiarize yourself with the principles of permaculture by reading books, taking classes or joining permaculture gardening groups.

Radis and Capucine’s “12 bags of permaculture seeds” is a great place to start.

Permaculture is ultimately more than just a gardening method. 

It is a philosophy of life that reminds us that we are interconnected with nature, and that we have the responsibility to take care of our planet. By choosing permaculture in your garden or vegetable garden, you are actively participating in creating a more sustainable future for all. 

And with Radis and Capucine, you have all the tools you need to start your permaculture journey.