The Four Leave Clover brings happiness

The Oxalis four-leaf clover, often called clover brings happiness, is much more than just a symbol of luck. Its rarity and fascinating history make it a very coveted lucky plant. Discover here its origin, the reasons for its rarity, and our advice to cultivate it at home in a small pot with soil.

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The Origin and Symbolic Four-leafed Clover Oxalis Deppei

The Clover proposed by Radis et Capucine is a plant native to Mexico, known for its clover-shaped leaves and small pink flowers. Unlike the natural three-leaf clover, the clover carries happiness always presents four leaves, each symbolizing faith, hope, love, and luck. This plant is often associated with magical virtues and the ability to repel evil spirits.

Why is the Four Leave Clover so special?

The Oxalis clover naturally produces four leaflet leaves, of which all those who grow it will have luck and happiness. This botanical peculiarity is what makes each plant so special and sought after.

Home Radis et Capucine, we share this passion for nature and encourage everyone to explore and cultivate their own chance.

The Four Leave Clover brings happiness Oxalis, a Symbol of Chance to Cultivate

The Oxalis four-leaf clover is much more than just a lucky charm. For gardeners, it represents the idea that luck can be cultivated with patience and passion. Whether you grow it in a small pot at home, this unique symbol of luck and prosperity continues to inspire lovers of nature and botany.

Want to grow your own four-leaf clover?

1: Choose a good pot

Use a small pot with drainage holes to avoid excess water.

2: Use fertilized soil

A well drained soil rich in nutrients will promote the growth of your Oxalis Deppei.

3: Moderate watering

Water regularly but without excess, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

4: Exposure to light

Place your pot in a bright place but avoid direct sunlight that could burn leaves.

5: Ambient temperature

L-Oxalis Deppei prefers cool temperatures, avoid too hot parts otherwise the clover will only give stem.