Pushing Mushrooms: A Savoury Experience

Paris mushrooms, with their delicate taste and tender texture, are among the most consumed mushrooms in the world. Did you know that it is quite possible to cultivate them at home, even without a garden? In addition to being a fun activity, it is an economical and ecological solution to enjoy fresh mushrooms at any time. Find out how to grow them easily at home and some simple recipes to taste them.

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Why Cultivate Your Paris Mushrooms?

To grow your Paris mushrooms at home is to enjoy their incomparable flavor just after their harvest. These mushrooms can be grown indoors, whether you live in an apartment or in a house, as they do not need direct light to grow. A home-made crop kit or substrate can produce multiple crops, reducing your expenses while minimizing environmental impact.

Want to grow your own four-leaf clover?

Here are the essential steps to grow your mushrooms

1: Choose a culture kit or prepare a substrate

You can buy a ready-to-use kit or prepare your own compost and manure substrate.

2: Place the substrate in a suitable container

Use a plastic case, a wooden box, or even a storage bin. Make sure there are holes for air circulation.

3: Maintain optimal humidity

Paris mushrooms like humidity. Spray water regularly to keep the substrate moist, but avoid soaking it.

4: Keep them at the right temperature

Place your container in a dark place with a temperature between 15 and 20°C, such as a cellar, closet, or under the sink.

5: Wait and harvest

Within a few weeks, your mushrooms will start growing. Collect them as soon as they reach the desired size by twisting them gently to avoid damaging others.

Cultivate and Deguster!

Growing your Paris mushrooms is a combination of gardening and cooking. Whether it's to decorate your daily dishes or impress your guests, these fresh mushrooms are a real asset in your kitchen. So start and discover the happiness of growing and tasting your own mushrooms!

Home Radis et Capucine, we offer cultivation kits for mushrooms, perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike. Turn your cuisine into a true mushroom and enjoy unique flavours every day!