Envelope 12 bags Ancient Tomatoes

Explorez le monde captivant des tomates anciennes avec notre enveloppe de 12 variétés sélectionnées pour leur saveur unique et leur diversité incomparable. Cultivez ces trésors du potager chez vous, avec les conseils d'un jardinier spécialisé.

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Sow your old tomatoes to the garden or pot on your terrace

Discover the fascinating world of ancient tomatoes with our envelope of 12 varieties of ancient tomatoes carefully selected for their unique flavor and incomparable diversity. Cultive and harvest these treasures from the vegetable garden at home, with the wise advice of our specialist gardener.

Seed tomato plants at the selected port have a bushy and compact growth, requiring less maintenance. They are suitable for cultivation in pot or tomato cage, offering abundant but short harvests. On the other hand, undetermined tomato plants have continued growth, requiring a solid tutor and a regular size. Their production is superior and spreads over a longer period.

Rest assured, each bag of seeds will allow you to grow at least a dozen tomato plants, offering up to 20 kg of delicious tomatoes to taste.

Transform your garden into a festival of flavours with our ancient tomatoes. Order your envelope now and prepare to enjoy tomatoes with authentic taste, cultivated with love in your own vegetable garden.

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