
Graines d'ail des ours comestible à semer

4,95 €
Référence : 029609 Marque : Radis et Capucine

Plante sauvage comestible à semer : Tout se mange dans l'ail des ours, les fleurs, les feuilles, les boutons floraux, les tiges et les bulbes.Vous pourrez le vérifier bientôt en le récoltant chez vous grâce à ce sachet de graines. Son goût d'ail puissant et un peu piquant parfume les salades, les bouillons, les viandes, les légumes ...Graines avec recette pesto ail des ours. Traduit en anglais, allemand, italien et Espagnol.

  • Livraison gratuite en relais colis dés 30 €
  • Germination garantie
  • Assemblé avec ❤ en Anjou

Graines d'ail des ours comestible à semer

L'ail des ours est une variété d'ail sauvage aux saveurs plus douces que l'ail cultivé. Il pousse à l'ombre, dans les terres fraîches à légèrement humides, Sa particularité ? Toute la plante est comestible, les fleurs aussi, mais c'est au printemps lorsque les boutons floraux sont visibles qu'il est le plus délicieux. Utilisez ses fleurs de printemps en cuisine, dans vos salades par exemple mais aussi pour décorer vos plats.

Découvrez le plaisir de cultiver et d'apprécier l'Ail des Ours frais à la maison.

Commandez dès maintenant nos graines d'Ail des Ours comestible et transformez votre jardin en un havre de saveurs et de biodiversité.

Composition :

13x13cm sachet with 0.2gr Bear's garlic seeds Allium ursinum

Method of cultivation : Edible wild garlic seeds for sowing

Sowing Bear's garlic seeds: Open the sachet and pour the seeds into your hand, adding sand for easier sowing. To sow, sprinkle the seeds either in a pot (max 3 seeds per pot) or directly in the ground in a damp, shady corner of your garden. Keep the rest of the seeds for later sowing. Press the seeds in by 5 mm or gently cover them with potting soil and pack lightly.

Watering wild garlic seeds: Ideally, use rainwater or filtered (chlorine-free) water. Prefer light rainfall, ideally using a hand-held sprayer, to keep the soil just moist, but not waterlogged, throughout the growing season. Imagine the soil remaining like a wet sponge, then wrung out. Don't let the soil dry out.

Germination of Bear's garlic seeds: For pot cultivation, expose to sunlight behind glass, without placing over a heater, to promote rapid germination. Flower seeds take one to two weeks to germinate, and the plant then grows if kept in a moist environment.

Transplanting wild garlic seedlings: Once the seedlings have emerged and reached a height of 5-10 cm, select a single plant per pot and transplant the others into new pots or planters. Be careful not to break stems or roots when transplanting. Water to encourage regrowth.

Harvesting: Bear's garlic is generally harvested in spring, from March to May, when the leaves are fresh and tender. This is when they are at their tastiest, and offer the best natural garlic aroma. It's important not to remove all the leaves from a single plant, to allow the plant to regenerate.

More info: Bear's garlic leaves can be used fresh or frozen for later use. Delicious with fish, in pesto, ravioli or soup, it replaces classic garlic with its delicate garlic and onion flavor.
It is also considered in traditional medicine as an immune system tonic and natural depurative.

Why such a name? It's said that bears emerge from hibernation in spring and feed avidly on bear's garlic leaves to purify their blood after their long period of sleep.

Why grow Bear's garlic at home ?

Urban biodiversity : Encourage biodiversity by growing this original plant in your urban garden.

Humid Adaptability : Perfect for the humid regions of France, our wild garlic seeds thrive in a variety of conditions.

Guaranteed Reproducibility : Grow your own herbs with reproducible seeds, offering a sustainable source for your future gardens.

Local and multilingual : Support Angers' local economy while benefiting from clear instructions in several languages.

Original plant : Grow a rare, hard-to-find plant for a unique and original garden experience.

  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Hauteur : 13 cm
  • Profondeur : 1 cm
  • Poids : 0.01 kg

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