Graines de Houblon comestible à semer

4,95 €
Référence : 026984 Marque : Radis et Capucine

Fleur comestible à semer : graines de houblon, avec recette de cuisine. La culture du houblon grimpant est un processus gratifiant pour les amateurs de bière ou les jardiniers passionnés qui veulent une pergola ombragée l'été. Graines avec recette houblon. Traduit en anglais, allemand, italien et Espagnol.

  • Livraison gratuite en relais colis dés 30 €
  • Germination garantie
  • Assemblé avec ❤ en Anjou

Graines de Houblon comestible à semer

Cultivez une expérience éducative et divertissante avec notre kit de plantation de graines de houblon comestible. Idéal pour les amateurs de cuisine et les jardiniers en herbe, ce kit offre une initiation ludique à la culture de cette plante aromatique.

Transformez votre jardin ou votre balcon en véritable oasis culinaire en faisant pousser votre propre houblon à la maison. Non seulement vous pourrez agrémenter vos plats avec cette plante aux saveurs uniques, mais vous encouragerez également une alimentation saine et respectueuse de l'environnement en évitant les produits chimiques.

Facile à utiliser, c'est une belle opportunité d'initier toute la famille au jardinage tout en leur offrant une expérience éducative enrichissante.

Composition :

13x13cm sachet with 0.25gr hop seeds

Method of cultivation : Edible hop seeds for sowing

Sowing hop flower seeds indoors: Open the bag and pour the seeds into your hand. If they are too small, add sand to make sowing easier. To sow, sprinkle seeds over moist, loose coconut soil, 2 to 3 seeds maximum per pot. Keep the rest of the seeds for later sowing, or to sow directly in your garden or on your balcony when the weather's right. Gently cover the seeds with fertilized coconut soil and pack lightly

Watering Hop flower seeds: Ideally, use rainwater or filtered (chlorine-free) water. Prefer light rainfall watering, ideally using a hand-held sprayer, to keep the soil just moist, but not waterlogged, throughout the growing period. Imagine the soil remaining like a wet sponge, then wrung out. Don't let the soil dry out.

Germination of hop seeds: expose to sunlight behind glass, but not over a heater, to encourage rapid and abundant germination. Alternatively, from April onwards, expose to sunlight on your balcony, windowsill or terrace. Flower seeds take a few days to germinate, and the plant then grows if well watered.

Transplanting flower seedlings: Once the seedlings have emerged and reached a height of 5 to 10 cm, select just one seedling per pot and transplant the others into new pots or planters, along a trellis to enable the plant to climb. Be careful not to break stems or roots when transplanting. Water to encourage regrowth.

Flowering: Hop is a very fragrant climbing flower that can reach 3 to 5 m in height if grown along a gutter or cable, so don't hesitate to make it climb up your gutters or pergola feet. Flowers appear in summer, and the dense foliage can help cool a wall or terrace table.

Flowering: Hop is a very fragrant climbing flower that can reach 3 to 5 m in height if grown along a gutter or cable, so don't hesitate to bring it up along your gutters or pergola legs. Flowers appear in summer, and the dense foliage can help cool a wall or terrace table.

Good to know: Hops are used to brew craft beers, either for bitterness or flavoring. Don't hesitate to swap flowers with a neighbor for good beer!

Why Grow Hop Seeds in Your Garden ?

Urban gardening elevation: Hop seeds offer a unique elevation experience in your urban garden, enabling the cultivation of climbing and flowering plants.

Quality Reproducible Seeds: Opt for self-sufficiency by growing your own hops from our high-quality reproducible seeds.

Multilingual and local instructions: Our bags, assembled locally in Angers, include instructions in several languages for effortless cultivation.

Customized Beer Flavors: Grow hop flowers to customize the flavors of your home-brewed beers, adding an artisanal touch to your brewing.

A Drinking Garden: Transform your garden into an aromatic space with hops, bringing a new dimension to your craft beer creations.

  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Hauteur : 13 cm
  • Profondeur : 1 cm
  • Poids : 0.01 kg

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