Graines d'ortie comestible à semer

4,95 €
Référence : 036876 Marque : Radis et Capucine

Plante comestible des jardins à semer. L'ortie est la plante utile pour le jardinage, pour la santé et on l'apprécie de tous temps en soupe, en légume cuit ou en omelette par exemple. Il est inutile de préciser que cette plante sauvage pousse très facilement, il suffit d'initier son semis une première fois, dans un coin de jardin, elle prolifère toute seule, par la suite. Idéal pour faire son purin d'ortie. Graines avec recette ortie. Traduit en anglais, allemand, italien et Espagnol.

  • Livraison gratuite en relais colis dés 30 €
  • Germination garantie
  • Assemblé avec ❤ en Anjou

Graines d'ortie comestible à semer

Cultivez une expérience éducative et enrichissante avec notre kit de plantation de graines d'ortie comestible. Idéal pour les amateurs de cuisine et les jardiniers en herbe, ce kit offre une initiation ludique à la culture d'une plante souvent méconnue mais aux nombreuses vertus culinaires et médicinales.

Faites pousser vos propres orties comestibles à la maison et découvrez une source riche en vitamines et minéraux. Encouragez une alimentation saine et responsable tout en préservant l'environnement, en évitant l'utilisation de produits chimiques.

Facile à utiliser, ce kit constitue une belle opportunité d'initier toute la famille au jardinage et à la découverte de nouvelles saveurs.

Composition :

13x13cm sachet with 0.9gr Urtica dioica nettle seeds

Method of cultivation : Edible nettle seeds for sowing

Sowing nettle seeds: Open the bag and pour the seeds into your hand. Mix with sand for easier sowing. Sow directly in your garden in a rather damp spot when the temperature is favorable, sowing the seeds 5 mm apart at 25 cm intervals.

Watering Borage seeds: Ideally, use rainwater or filtered (chlorine-free) water. Prefer light rainfall watering, ideally using a hand-held sprayer, to keep the soil just moist, but not waterlogged, throughout the growing period. Imagine the soil remaining like a wet sponge, then wrung out. Don't let the soil dry out.

Germinating flower seeds: expose to sunlight behind glass, but not over a heater, to encourage rapid and abundant germination. Alternatively, from April onwards, expose to sunlight on your balcony, windowsill or terrace. Borage flower seeds take a few days to germinate, and then grow if well watered.

Transplanting: there's no need to transplant, as the crop is sown/directly planted. If necessary, aerate by removing a few plants if your seedling is too dense. Each borage plant needs 25 cm to develop.

Harvesting: Leaves are harvested in spring or early summer, before the plant flowers, when they are softer and have a milder flavor. Nettle leaves are rich in nutrients such as iron, vitamin C and antioxidants, making them a popular remedy in natural medicine.

Our tip: to avoid unpleasant stings, we recommend wearing thick gloves when harvesting nettle leaves and touching them from the underside. The leaves can be cut with scissors and used immediately, or dried. In cooking, nettle leaves are often used in soups, stews, sauces and herbal teas. Once cooked, nettle leaves lose their stinging ability and offer a delicious, earthy flavor.
In the garden, nettle is a valuable plant for gardeners because of its fertilizing properties. It is often used as a natural fertilizer to enrich the soil and promote the growth of other garden plants.

Why grow Nettle at home ?

Gourmet Urban Gardening: Turn your urban garden into a culinary oasis with our edible nettle seeds, ideal for delicious, nutritious soups.

Quality Reproducible Seeds: Opt for self-sufficiency by growing your own edible nettles from our high-quality reproducible seeds.

Multilingual and Local: Our bags, assembled locally in Angers, include multilingual instructions to guide you through each stage of growth.

Originality in the Plate: Grow an original and unusual plant to bring a distinctive touch to your culinary creations.

An Inexhaustible Source: Turn your garden into a continuous source of edible nettles for tasty soups all year round.

  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Hauteur : 13 cm
  • Profondeur : 1 cm
  • Poids : 0.01 kg

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