
Graines de Palmier d'intérieurà semer en pot

4,95 €
Référence : 002337 Marque : Radis et Capucine

Palmier exotique à semer : Palmier phoenix pour avoir un palmier d'intérieur dans votre maison . Le palmier en pot se cultive très bien et le Phoenix reste un palmier nain qui fera une belle plante décorative intérieur. Graines germinatives avec instructions en anglais, allemand, italien et Espagnol.

  • Livraison gratuite en relais colis dés 30 €
  • Germination garantie
  • Assemblé avec ❤ en Anjou

Graines de Palmier des Antilles à semer en pot

Cultivez une expérience éducative et divertissante avec notre kit de plantation de graines de palmier des Antilles. Idéal pour les amateurs de plantes exotiques, ce kit offre une initiation ludique au jardinage. Faites pousser votre propre palmier des Antilles à la maison et créez un coin de paradis tropical sur votre balcon ou dans votre jardin.

Facile à utiliser, c'est une belle opportunité d'explorer la diversité de la flore tropicale tout en vous offrant une expérience éducative enrichissante.


Bag size 13x13cm with 2 seeds of Canary Palm

Cultivation method : Palm seeds for indoor sowing in pots

The sowing of seeds of Phoenix canariensis palm inside: Open the bag and pour seeds into your hand. If they are too small, add sand to make it easier to sow. To sow, sprinkle the seeds on the wet soil of coconut not compact, 2 to 3 seeds maximum per pot. Save the remaining seeds for later sowing or to sow directly in your garden or on your balcony when it is sunny. Gently cover the seeds with fertilized coconut soil and tamp lightly.

Watering exotic plants indoors: Ideally use rainwater or filtered water (without chlorine). Prefer a watering in fine rain, without touching the plants too much, ideally using a hand spray, to keep the soil just wet, without gorging it with water, throughout the culture. Imagine the earth as a sponge wet and then wrung out. Be gentle and measured.

Germination of exotic plants indoors: The plant needs a warm and humid climate. Expose to sunlight behind a glass, without putting on top of a heater and ideally with a plastic water bottle cut out to serve as a greenhouse. Seeds can take one to two weeks to germinate. Keep the seedlings under the plastic bottle for as long as possible to retain heat and moisture. Place in a warm place, ideally at 25°C, and wait for the germination can be slow, it is in any case irregular and fear to spread over months.

Transplanting exotic trees from seedlings: When the seedlings emerge and reach 3 to 5 cm in height, select only one plant per pot and transplant the others into new pots or planters, always maintaining heat and humidity for these plants. Be careful not to break the stems or roots when transplanting. Water to promote the regrowth.You can take out the pots when the plants are strong and with a suitable temperature.

Pousse: One day, point out the unique cotyledon, ribbed and pleated, from there things will go faster. The following year we can see the first three distinct pinnate leaves. Every year, and even twice a year in warm regions, repot in a larger pot and bring a very rich soil because the palm is greedy.

Our advice: You can speed up germination by placing the seeds in a closed plastic bag containing vermiculite or wet sand and place it all in an oven or something that looks like it, at 35°C. Check weekly for seed-leaved seeds and transplant immediately, gently to avoid breaking the seed.

Why choose indoor palm seeds to sow in pots ?

  • Guaranteed seeds: Our Caribbean palm seed bags are carefully selected and tested to ensure their quality and viability, ensuring successful germination in your garden.

  • Reproducible seeds: After successfully growing your Caribbean palm, you can harvest the seeds and use them to plant new trees, extending your gardening experience over the long term.

  • Assembly in France: All our exotic seeds are assembled in France, which guarantees a careful selection and local expertise to offer you the best seeds for your garden.

  • Ease of use: Our Caribbean palm seed bags are designed to be easy to sow, even for novice gardeners, allowing you to start your gardening without difficulty.

  • Family experience: Involve the whole family in growing your own Caribbean palm and create unforgettable memories by watching this exotic tree grow together.

  • Indoor cultivation: Although the Caribbean palm is mainly grown outdoors in suitable climates, it can also be grown indoors in pots or containers, allowing you to enjoy its exoticism inside your home.

  • Fun learning: Growing a Caribbean palm is a fascinating educational experience for children and adults alike, offering a unique opportunity to learn about botanical diversity and tropical ecosystems.

Order today our bag of palm seeds from the Caribbean and start the adventure of growing this exotic tree at home, for a rewarding and exotic experience !

  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Hauteur : 13 cm
  • Profondeur : 1 cm
  • Poids : 0.01 kg

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